The more you think about business as being a community service,
the more successful you become.
Marketing with new media will revolutionize the way you do business.
You cannot use a cookie-cutter千篇一律 approach方式. The days of
the one-size-fits-all business model are over.
Three Tenets of Organic Small Business:
1.Truth. You must be true to yourself.
2.Value. What you offer must make a difference to your customer or client.
3.Commitment. You must make a commitment to be part of your community for
the long haul努力.
In all of your communications with your customer you will always
speak directly to your customer’s needs, pain, and challenges.
stand out突出/显眼
How to speak to your always-evolving audience, who are becoming
more savvy懂, edgier易激怒的, and more impatient every day?
==It’s about What You Say and How You Say It
Today’s customer has been bombarded轰炸 by sales talk a million times
over. It is not about browbeating恫吓 your customer into submission投降.
==It’s about Creating Community
Your community sees your business as indispensable不可缺少的
in meeting its needs and wants.
If you do not have a customer base ——— a target audience ———
your efforts will be in vain.
By inviting potential customers to comment on your blog, asking
them to send in questions about their challenges to your e-zine, encouraging
them to download your podcasts about the latest fall shoe fashions, or holding
a contest辩论/质疑 on your website, you begin to shape that large target
audience into an engaging, interactive community.
New media cannot provide instant gratification满足. Like any other aspect of your
business, creating a new media platform is a process. It’s not a silver bullet.
Consistent efforts will make a significant difference.