



但其实有一种船,与航空母舰、豪华邮轮被并称为造船工业皇冠上的“三颗明珠”,它就是本期主角——大型液化天然气运输船(liquefied natural gas, LNG, carrier)。

A large LNG carrier is a tank ship designed specifically for transporting liquefied natural gas at sea. It is widely considered in the shipbuilding industry as one of the most challenging vessels to construct, along with aircraft carriers and luxury cruise ships.


Against the backdrop of global efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, clean energy including natural gas has seen robust demand around the world.


China imported more than 77 million tons of LNG in 2021, a surge of 18 percent year-on-year, according to statistics from the General Administration of Customs. The nation"s imports of LNG in 2023 are expected to rise more than 6 percent year-on-year, the International Energy Agency forecast in its latest Gas Market report.




Due to the special characteristics of natural gas, shipping it in liquefied state, or at a temperature below — 163 degrees Celsius, would be most cost-efficient. The size of liquefied natural gas is merely 1/620 of its gaseous state. The LNG carrier transports about 100,000 tons of LNG with special equipment and travels thousands of miles across oceans to make each delivery. Building such specialized cargo carriers requires advanced techniques, has high added value and improves the reliability level of LNG delivery.



A 174,000-cubic-meter LNG vessel consists of more than 1.1 million components and parts. Among them are 60,000 insulating boxes and 480 tons of 0.7 mm-thick nickel-iron alloy called "invar". The total length of the weld for the invar sheet is a staggering 150 kilometers.



Building an LNG carrier costs more than 1 billion yuan — the equivalent of building two Boeing 737 planes. The maximum load of a 174,000-cubic-meter LNG carrier is about 108 million cubic meters of natural gas after gasification. This amount is equivalent to the natural gas consumption of all Beijing residents for about 16 days.


China"s first home-built LNG carrier Dapeng Sun was delivered in April 2008 by China State Shipbuilding Corp Ltd"s Shanghai-based subsidiary Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co Ltd, ending the dominance of Japanese and South Korean shipyards in LNG carrier building.


Over the past decade, Hudong-Zhonghua has developed five generations of LNG carriers — the Changqing series (2004), the Changjian series (2010), the Chang"an series (2012), the Changxing series (2017). On December 16, 2021, Hudong-Zhonghua unveiled the fifth generation 174,000-cubic-meter LNG vessel from its Changheng series. The Shanghai-based shipyard has so far delivered more than 40 LNG vessels.


Chinese shipyards received orders for 55 LNG ships — more than 30 percent of the world"s total — in 2022. Forty-nine of these orders came from China State Shipbuilding Corp. In terms of individual shipbuilders, Hudong-Zhonghua had the most orders at 37 last year. Its market share rose from less than 7 percent in 2021 to 21.8 percent.


"Such an achievement has ended the market domination that a few nations in LNG vessel building had, and kicked off a new phase in the gas carrier segment," Li Yanqing, secretary general of the China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry was quoted as saying by People"s Daily.


Such an achievement is the result of persistent efforts made by Chinese shipbuilders over the years. It is firmly believed that the magical story of Chinese shipbuilding will continue.


